Centrale Mouettes
An instagram account dedicated to beach safety

Centrale Mouettes is an Instagram account managed by the team of lifeguards stationed at the lifeguard station "plage des Mouettes" in St-Hilaire-de-Riez, Vendée, France. This initiative aims to enhance beach safety by providing daily updates on weather conditions, tide schedules, beach traffic, and essential safety precautions. Through engaging posts and stories, Centrale Mouettes educates beachgoers about potential dangers and promotes a safer seaside experience. 

As a designer, I created the visual identity for this account and a few templates for the social networks, to harmonize the lifeguard team's communication across all media and facilitate prevention among the public.

Centrale Mouettes

Centrale Mouettes

Centrale Mouettes is an Instagram account managed by the team of lifeguards stationed at the lifeguard station "plage des Mouettes" in St-Hilaire Read More
